Visitor policy

At AOA体育平台, we prioritise the health and wellbeing of our patients, their families, and our staff. As we continue to provide essential treatments and procedures, we take balanced steps to ensure the safety of everyone within our premises.

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Guidelines for visiting a patient

We understand that visiting a hospital can be an anxious time, so we've put together some important information to help you make the most of your visit while keeping our patients safe.

  • First and foremost, if you are feeling unwell, have flu-like symptoms, or experiencing vomiting or diarrhoea in the last 48 hrs, please do not visit the hospital. This is to prevent the spread of illness and protect our patients, visitors, and staff.
  • Visiting hours: we have open visiting hours, but please note that after 21:30, visiting is only allowed with agreement from the Matron and the Ward Manager.
  • Intensive Care Unit: we allow only two visitors at a time. While we will always strive to accommodate visitors, please understand that visiting may not always be possible and may be subject to patient-specific circumstances. Additionally, visitors may be required to step out into our visitors鈥� room while we carry out care interventions.
  • Masks: in certain situations, visitors may be requested to wear a mask when they are visiting clinically vulnerable patients or those on a respiratory pathway.
  • Pets: please note that pets are not allowed in the hospital premises, except for assistance/guide dogs.
  • Pre-school age children/ infants: Visiting with a pre-school child is actively discouraged other than in exceptional / compassionate situations as their immune systems are still in early development and the infection risk to them is greater than the risk to the patient.
  • School age children: We do not encourage children to visit, however we understand there may be circumstances in which a visit to see a sick family member is important to the child and the family. Any special requests for children to visit must be approved by the Matron or Ward manager. If approved, children must be well, have no signs of infection, or be experiencing vomiting or diarrhoea in the last 48 hrs.
  • Visits should be kept short and they must be accompanied by a responsible adult who will look after them throughout the visit.
  • Visiting may additionally be restricted if the patients condition changes during their hospital stay e.g. they become infectious.

Thank you for helping us keep our patients safe and we hope you have a safe and comfortable visit at AOA体育平台.

Get in touch

Please contact us if you need more information about visiting a patient.