Concerns, comments and complaints
We understand the value of the feedback that our patients and visitors share with us about their experience of our services. This means that our staff want to know as soon as possible if you have any concerns about your care, or the care of a loved one. Sharing your concerns with a staff member is often the quickest way of ensuring we can resolve the matter for you. We act on all feedback and it is used to improve the services we offer, meaning you can be assured that raising concerns with us will not affect the care you receive.
If your experience at the hospital wasn鈥檛 as expected, we want to know what we could have done differently. You may have some suggestions or ideas you want to share with us, or a compliment about the care you received. We welcome all feedback that helps us to improve our services and provide the highest standards of care and treatment.
You can email your views to [email protected]
If you would prefer, you can speak to our Patient Relationship Manager on 0207 535 5500.
Formal complaints
If you would like to make a formal complaint it is best to do so as soon as possible, once the issue has been identified. Your concern should be raised within six months of the incident, or within six months of becoming aware of the concern. These timeframes may not apply if there are valid reasons for not making the complaint sooner.
Please put your complaint in writing via e-mail to [email protected]
Please provide your full name, address, date of birth, contact information and as much detail as possible about the concerns you have. This information is required to progress your complaint investigation.
If you would prefer, you can speak to our Patient Relationship Manager on 0207 535 5500.
Please note, we also have language and British Sign Language interpreters for patients with additional communication needs.
If you have an impairment or sensory loss and have specific communication needs please let us know.
If you prefer to write to us by post, you can send your letter of complaint to:
Head of Patient Experience, AOA体育平台, 20 Devonshire Place, London, W1G 6BW
We need to make you aware that if you are complaining on behalf of a friend or relative, they will need to complete a consent form to authorise us to disclose information to the person complaining. This is to ensure we comply with data protection legislation. If the patient is unable to consent we will offer further appropriate guidance.
Please be aware that during the complaint investigation, it may be necessary to access the clinical or personal data that we hold for the patient to fully investigate the complaint. We will work hard to ensure your complaint is dealt with promptly and thoroughly
AOA体育平台 is a member of ISCAS (Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service) and our policy and complaint process adhere to the ISCAS code of practice.
A full copy of the ISCAS code of practice can be found at
- When we receive your complaint you will receive a written acknowledgement within two working days of receipt.
- You will be given the name details of a person who will be your point of contact during the complaints process.
- If we cannot provide you with a written response within five working days we will aim to provide you with a response within 20 working days of the date of your complaint.
- If we cannot provide you with a full response within 20 working days we will write to you notifying you of any delays. In this situation we will regularly update you on the progress of your complaint.
- If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint at Stage 1 you can choose to have your complaint reviewed at Stage 2 by our Chief Executive.
- This should be requested within six months of receiving your Stage 1 response from us.
- Once we have received your request, you will receive a written acknowledgement within two working days of receipt.
- A full response should be provided to you within 20 working days. Where this is not possible because the investigation is still in progress a letter (or email) of explanation will be sent explaining the reason for delay at least every 20 working days.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the review at Stage 2 you may refer your complaint to Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS) for an independent external review.
You must contact ISCAS in writing within six months of receiving your final reply from the Chief Executive at Stage 2 if you wish to register your request for an independent external review at the address below: ISCAS will provide you with further details of this stage of the complaint process. It is important that you read the details provided carefully before deciding whether or not to proceed.
Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service
100 St Paul's Churchyard
London, EC4M 8BU
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7536 6091
Complaints monitoring
All complaints are confidential and recorded on a central database with controlled access. Reports on complaints are reviewed by the Hospital board. These reports do not identify patients or complainants. We use the lessons we learn from complaints to improve services for patients.
Ensuring accessibility
All our complaints information can be provided in large print, easy-read format, or translated into other languages. Please let us know if you require another language or format or additional support.